Basic Screen shot of single monitor screen
Additional stops are marked in red lettering. On the Great organ, there are two Sesquialteras one within the Great stops and the other to the left of the Choir stops. The former is the original and the latter is a matching replacement with single ranks. In addition Choir stops that were removed in the Mander rebuild, have been reintroduced from a similar Father Willis organ.
It can be surmised that the original Swell Cornet was probably a 12;17 stop but was altered to the current quint mixture composition of 19:22. The toe holes and rack boards show that this was a two rank. A separate third tierce rank has been added to create a more typical Willis mixture. It can be added as wished to complete a III rank Cornet. There is an additional Celeste which is not present in the existing specification for extended use. This is made up of FW pipes from another instrument. There will most likely be additional Pedal stops to provide a more independent Pedal division. Possible candidates are an 8' + 4' extensions to the Bourdon 16' and possibly an 8 ' extension to the Open Wood to 8'.
The above image is the pre- release basic screen using HW graphics. The layout may change in the final release.
Barker Lever
Contra Gamba 16
Open Diapason (I) 8
Open Diapason(II) 8
Stopped Diapason 8 wood and metal Viola 8
Principal 4
Twelfth 3
Fifteenth 2
Sesquialtera III 17.19.22 Posaune 8 heavy wind Clarion 4 heavy wind
Bourdon 16 (Contra Gamba)
Open Diapason 8
Lieblich Gedact 8
Salicional 8
Gemshorn 4
Flageolet 2
Cornet II 19.22
Oboe 8
Cornopean 8
Clarion 4
Additional Celeste and Tierce rank
Dulciana 8
Lieblich Gedackt 8 wood and metal Viol d'Amour 8
Claribel Flute 8
Gemshorn 4
Flageolet 2
Corno di Bassetto 8
Dulciana 8
Lieblich Gedackt 8
Gemshorn 4
Nason Flute 4 Mid C, 8' bass
Flageolet 2
Sesquialtera II 12:17
Sharp Mixture III 22.26.29
Corno di Bassetto 8
Tubular pneumatic
Open Diapason 16 wood Bourdon 16 wood
Flute 8 metal Violoncello
Ophicleide 16 wood, heavy wind
Swell to Pedal
Swell to Great
Swell octave to Great
Swell suboctave to Great
Choir to Great
Choir to Pedal
Great to Pedal
balanced swell pedal
3 combination pedals to Swell and Great.
Work is in progress on this set and it is hoped that it will be ready sometime in early 2024.
Sample Sets
We have been involved with church organs for over five decades. Initially working with conventional pipe organs, we moved into the world of pipeless instruments during their rapid technological expansion in the last quarter of the twentieth century.
With over 30 years experience in creating sample sets for organs for other digital organ manufacturers and since 2003, for the Hauptwerk software platform, we are one of the longest established sample set producers.
In addition to our "off the shelf" sample sets of existing or composite instruments, we also create custom instruments to suit individual requirements.
We have a library archive of many hundreds of stops to choose from. sampled from instruments throughout the UK and elsewhere.
We also supply sample sets and stops to several pipe organ builders throughout the world for use in hybrid instruments.
We can supply everything that might be required for a pipeless organ installation from the basic console, amplification and speakers to the computers, software and audio interfaces needed.
The various components are sourced from a number of specialist established manufacturers and supply houses most of whom we have been involved with for many years.
In addition, we have a number of contacts both in the UK and abroad who specialise in obtaining and converting former consoles for use with the Hauptwerk platform.
Contact Information
For further information, please email us at
N.B. Some sample sets may not work with basic older versions of Hauptwerk or the entry level version of the new Hauptwerk V and above because these editions do not include some of the features that are necessary for our libraries to work fully on the Hauptwerk platform.