A Rough Guide To Pricing

Because there are so many possibilities with different layouts and designs along with the choice of components such as keyboards and pistons etc., it is not possible to give a set list of console models and their complete prices. Each console is built to order according to the customer's wishes and these can differ considerably. Our guide below allows potential customers to get some idea as to how much a console might work out at and where the main costs actually lie. 

Sample libraries are already priced on their relevant pages. To order, please refer to the individual page(s) relating to each sample set.



Please note that prices can change considerably depending on a number of different factors and the prices shown below are only a very rough guide. Whilst many of our products are UK sourced and manufactured, other products such as keyboards come from Italy and Germany, some electronic components and hardware may come from the U.S.A. or the Far East. Unfortunately none of us has a crystal ball and prices can change upwards or downwards depending on the world situation and exchange rates. In recent years, prices for timber in particular have doubled whilst other component prices have remained fairly stable and relatively unchanged. It is unlikely that prices will come down in the future.

Console Frames and Chassis 

Various different designs are available from the most basic "table" type to traditional styled consoles. The normal finish is in solid oak and selected veneers but more exotic woods are available. Finish and colour are matched to the customer's exact requirements. the more traditional style consoles have panelled ends and a plain back. 

Prices start at £1750.00 for a simple basic design. 

Compact drawstop / touch screen consoles 

2 manual: from £5390.00

3 manual: from £5665.00 

Drawstop panels fitted to the above: £765.00


Traditional full drawstop / touch screen consoles

3 manual: from £8998.33

4 manual: from £11660.00

Drawstop panels fitted to the above: £765.00

Touch screens fitted to the above: £577.50 (excludes cost of screens)


Additional Options 

Roll top: from: £605.00

Folding doors + sliding lid: from £2552.50

Panelled back: from £797.50 


Stop Controls 

Syndyne (U.S.A.) design non motorised toggle unit with illuminated head including engraved head and wiring: £75.00

The above drawstops require a PSU which will drive up to 75 units: £82.50 

Traditional solenoid drawstops various manufacturers: from £73.33 each. 

The above drawstops require a PSU which will drive up to 45 units: £146.67 


Drawstop Heads 

Whilst the non solenoid units include a translucent head, the more traditional solenoid drawstops have a number of available options ranging from a simple plastic engraved head to a variety of wooden options including shanks and seating disks: from £23.33 each



Although various keyboard models from a number of manufacturers can be stripped down and fitted into traditional wooden key cheeks and frames with piston rails, the quality of touch, keyboard noise and overall player satisfaction usually leaves much to be desired. 

The recommended choice from Fatar is the TP/60LF Ecclesiastical model which combines a "tracker touch" top resistance with good quality. The more expensive Fatar models with wooden key coverings and wooden cores are being discontinued.

The best organ keyboards are made by UHT and a number of different designs and key coverings are available. Other manufacturers include P&S and Lauckuff who offer a similar quality product to those from UHT. 

Fatar TP/60LF keyboard. Includes solid oak keycheeks, base tray, blank piston rail and Midi interface board. Bubble style contacts. 

From £665.83 per manual 

UHT Series 40 keyboard: Wood core, velocity sensitive and fully adjustable for touch. Hall effect contacts. Solid oak cheeks, base tray, blank piston rail and Midi interface board. Standard finish: 

From £2794.17 per manual



Various radiating concave models are available in standard RCO or AGO dimensions with 30 or 32 note compasses. BDO models are available as straight concave or straight flat with 27 or 30 note compasses. 

Radiating + Concave RCO standard 30 or 32 note. Oak frame, beech pedals heel sprung, straight front rail. Hall effect contact system. 

From £2081.67

BDO 27 or 30 note. Oak frame, oak pedals. 

From £1969.17

AGO standard pedalboards: 


No Midi interface is needed for these pedalboards providing there is an existing manual Midi interface.


Additional Option

Hardwood sharps in Rosewood, Wenge, Ebony or Blackwood. £412.50

Maple pedals instead of beech: £236.67


In console displays 

Some customers like to have a small mounted facia LCD display to indicate different information about the organ in addition to what is available through the normal screen(s). HW software currently supports two units. 

Single 2 x 16 LCD display 

From £192.50 

Registration Controls 

Thumb pistons engraved and fitted: 

From £15.00 each

Toe pistons: Various designs available inc. engraved label and fitted: 

From £58.33 each



There are a many of different options available ranging from the simplest standard bench to benches with storage, adjustable benches and motorised adjustable benches.

From £571.50


Soundcards and audio Interfaces

Although the console itself should contain everything necessary to access pipes, HW software, hybrid pipe / digital systems or other system software, there is still the need for some sort of sound card or audio interface. On board computer sound cards are generally not suitable for HW applications due to compatibility issues, poor sound quality and latency (delay) problems.

The simplest devices suitable for home use with headphones or a couple of speakers start at around £50.00 Multi channel devices capable of handling up to 96 individual channels in series will cost considerably more depending on make and model chosen.

This is a rapidly changing market driven by both the computer manufacturers and the professional recording studios. 

Please contact us for advice and availability of suitable equipment for each installation.



Even the most basic new computer will be capable of running HW to some extent. However, both HW and HW libraries tend to take advantage of the latest developments in computer technology so that the more basic specification models may not be capable of handling larger libraries and the more advanced HW features. The main factors to consider in any computer system relate to processor and RAM specifications. Since HW is based on accessing a pre loaded database of sounds, hard disk performance is more a case of convenience than necessity and graphics performance is a fairly minimal requirement. What is important is the amount of RAM and processor capability. Some of the larger libraries require very much larger amounts of RAM than would be needed in the vast majority of other applications and fast processor speed is essential for HW to handle all that might be required of it.

Please contact us for up to date advice and information on suppliers and requirements.

Sound Systems

There are numerous amplification and speaker products available ranging from the cheapest units up to those costing an arm and a leg. Likewise, there are many types of headphones available. Amplification, speaker and headphone models change on a very regular basis so please contact us for our latest recommendations and availability.


Sample Libraries 

There is a constantly expanding choice of sample libraries for use with HW ranging from free or minimal cost instruments up to very sophisticated facsimile instruments. Many are "out of the box" instruments that require minimal set-up whilst others are considerably more flexible but may require a lot more adjustment of individual parameters to get them to sound at their best. Finally there are the custom libraries which are developed for individual installations.

N.B. Some libraries are restricted as to how they can be used in anything beyond a private home set-up.

Please contact us for up to date information on what is available.

For our own "in house" sample libraries, please see the separate price list or the individual library pages.


Hauptwerk Software 

There are several editions of HW software available from the entry level version right up to the most advanced edition which offers all of the facilities that are currently available on the HW platform. The latest Versions V to VIII use the I-lok dongle system and there are a number of packages available including limited time versions on a regular subscription basis. Please note that some libraries will not work on the most basic edition because they do not have all of the facilities available that are needed and which are only found in the more advanced editions. A commercial licence is required for installations in churches or for public use. Latest prices and information can be found on the HW website.

Books and Instructions

There are one or two publications available provide information on how to build a HW organ from scratch and there are several YouTube presentations showing the steps needed to construct a HW instrument. The HW forum (on the official HW site) also contains much useful information along the same lines showing real life installations as well as discussing interfaces, sound cards, systems and some of the problems /solutions that users have encountered. 


Beyond Hauptwerk 

HW has been designed to offer a complete solution in terms of virtual organ technology and for many, this is all that will be required. However, the use of additional software can benefit the overall experience in many cases.

The latest HW editions offer in-built convolution reverberation facilities so additional reverberation either as hardware or software is no longer essential. However, the addition of some reverberation additions can be of great benefit to almost any sample set. This especially applies to dry (close recorded) or drier sample sets where the addition of extra reverberation is desirable or essential (unless the installation is in a reverberant building). Basic reverberation software can be obtained as a free application or there are some very capable applications available from about £50. At the other end of the scale, there are extremely sophisticated (and expensive) convolution software packages which can model the acoustics of any room together with the physical spacing and distancing of the sound source within the listening field.

HW does contain a basic Midi recording and playback feature but installations will often benefit from a more sophisticated application. Once again these range from fairly basic, free Midi sequencers up to fully featured score and performance packages such as Cubase or Sibelius. 

For would be sample set developers and those wishing to get involved in closer editing of existing samples (where possible) there are a number of applications available such as Sound Forge etc.

Please contact us for further advice and guidance on any of the above.


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